Inowanikwa muShenzhen, Anke PCB iri nyanzviPCB yekugadzira basaProvider ane anopfuura makore gumi emakore ekuziva muindasitiri yemagetsi yekugadzira. Takagadzirwa makadhinda wedunhu wedunhu uyeBasa regungano rinopfuura nyika 80 kutenderera pasirese. Yedu yekutengesa mutengi huwandu hwakakomberedza 99%, uye isu tinodada nekupa iyo yakanaka sevhisi kutenderedza.
More>Imwe-yekumisa basa reCustoms PCB Kugadzira
PCB Dhizaina PCB machira, zvikamu, Gungano rese riri pasi pegomba rimwe
Everex Contractures yakazara Simba Simba Solution yeSolarover 8 makore anoshanda zviitiko zvePCB chimiro uye dhizaini; Yakakodzera PCB Sangano & Dhizaini yePCB yako kubudirira; Yedu mainjiniya ePCB chimiro & dhizaini yakanaka muchirungu kana mimwe mitauro; 7/24 Kutengesa uye Nhoroondo dzehunyanzvi.
Kubva prototingping kugadzirwa kukuru, kubva pakubuda / nekukurumidza tendeukira ku standard yekuendesa nguva, anke PCB ndiyo yako yakavimbika PCB mugadziri Mugadziri. All the production processes from material inspection, drilling, etching, plating, soldermask/silk, surface finishing, CNC, testing are under our strict control accords to IPC-A-610.
Anke PCB ine yako pachako chikamu chekuchengetedza uye chakavaka chikuva chine chiyero, kuchinjika uye kutsigira masevhisi. Our customized supply chain optimization solutions enable you to solve short-term and future electronic component procurement and obsolescence problems.
Electronic PCB assembly is the process of populating or mounting printed circuit boards (PCBs) with electronic surface mount and/or through-hole components to form functional printed circuit board assemblies (PCBAs). Iyo yekutanga basa rePCB ndeyekutsigirwa nemakaniki uye magetsi ekubatanidza zvemagetsi zvikamu. Anke PCB ndiyo yako yepamoyo wako. Mail: Whatapp/wechat:008618589033832 Skype: sannyduanbsp What Is the Purpose of the Multiple Capacitors on a Chip’s Power Supply Pins? As electronics engineers it is known that capacitors generally serve four primary functions: decou...
Dear Clients, With traditional Chinese New Year (CNY) comes, we are going to start holidays from 23rd Jan. to 5th Feb 2024, work will be renewed on 6th Feb 2025. Pls kindly consider this factor to avoid any inconvenience for your projects planning. Kutenda zvakawanda zvekutarisa uye kushuvira iwe surce ...
Dear Clients, We are about to have the public holiday – National Day from 1th Oct to 7th Oct, work will be renewed on 8th Oct. Any mails during the time will be replied soon after back. Kutenda nekutarisirwa uye kushuvira iwe kubudirira! Shenzhen Anke PCB Co, Ltd 2024-9-26